Exact Tile Inc will be offering a CEU at KnoxCon 2018 on Weds June 27from 3:30 – 4:30pm at Holiday Inn World’s Fair Park in the Tennessee Ballroom.
KnoxCon 2018 will be held from 11am-7pm on Wednesday, June 27th. The Show will be in the Grand Pavilion Ballroom from 5pm-7pm. The CEUs will take place from 11am-4:30pm. The first 3 CEUs will be in Parlour 6 and the Exact Tile CEU will be in the Tennessee Ballroom. Cost for CEUs is $30 for all 4 or $10 per CEU. CEUs are free for IIDA Members. Join us for a great show of over 60 vendors! Hors d’oeuvres and drinks provided. Prizes will be given out throughout the event! Schedule for the Day: 11am-12pm / Residential Healthcare Guidelines / Mannington LU/CEU 12:30-1:30pm / Linoleum 101 / Forbo LU/CEU / Lunch Provided 2pm-3pm / Quartz Surfacing Features & Benefits / CambriaLU/CEU 3:30pm-4:30pm / Reliable Shower Construction [Explained] / Exact Tile LU/CEU 5pm-7pm / KnoxCon Show We hope you enjoy the show!
All Designers and Architects are encouraged to attend this event.
You can register to attend our CEU, as well as the other CEUs that are being offered at KnoxCon 2018 on Weds June 27 HERE